Sunday, July 3, 2016


Independence Day, RIP
by Tom Tancredo

Why do we continue to celebrate Independence Day each July Fourth 
when we no longer cherish independence?

Someday soon,our progressive politicians will propose celebrating
the first Monday in July as GLOBAL Interdependence Day,
no one will propose as long  as it includes barbecues and fireworks.

Our schools no longer teach our children the meaning of the
Declaration of Independence.

Our elected officials no longer protect our sovereignty.

To read much more about our lost freedom with more
to come please read Tom Tancredo Breitbart New's
Big Government

Righteousness exalts a Nation, but sin condemns any people.
Proverbs 14:143 NIV


Linda said...

WOWWE. You have said that perfectly well!! What an amazing post and very truthful...scary world we live in, isn't it? Where the political correctness has taken over...

Have a joyful holiday, Patsy. {waving to Bennie}

L. D. said...

The book sounds like a great read. It all is so troubling to see us in such a decline.